Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Favorite CML Technology for 2008 - Thing #7

We've been asked to blog about anything technology related that interests us. How 'bout AquaBrowser? http://catalog.columbuslibrary.org/ The changes that this new catalog has made in the way we help customers has been remarkable. Yes.. it just took a bit of getting used to...but I can't imagine how we ever were able to juggle transactions with all the time it took with DP's keyword searching, figuring out subject headings and spelling the author's name correctly, etc. The ability to go from those broad searches and then step-by-step narrow them down so easily ... the way a customer who can't remember exactly what that book was they had a few weeks ago, can look at the thumbnail, etc... I could go on and on. It certainly has made our lives on the public service floor easier. And.. I confess.. I ignore the cloud, and tell customers to do so as well. Aquabrowser - my favorite technology for 2008!

1 comment:

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...

I don't like the cloud either.