Friday, September 26, 2008

Thing #11 - Shelfari

Since I began with Shelfari a few weeks ago - I am using this instead of LibraryThing. I think it looks nicer too - esp. the different options for bookshelf stains. Anyway - I had a few tech issues with Shelfari - partially due to user error. I started adding books to my shelf from my reading log notebook and then linked to my blog... but somehow, I then deleted my original account. So I reopened and started again. Cataloging and adding titles has been a good RA exercise - jogging my memory about titles read and reviewing the synopsis for titles I couldn't remember. Also a bit emotional - since doing this brought back feelings about what was going on in my life at the time when I read a particular book. As I've always known, reading is quite a personal experience and books and characters have great meaning in our lives. So far, I have about 350 titles added and I still have more to do. I began keeping a log in 1990 - with a gap of a couple years in the mid-nineties. So far this has been my favorite "thing."

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